This is it:
This is how to earn money from home.
This is the answer you have been looking for!
The easiest and most supported way to earn an income, at home, for free! Not only have I learned some pretty cool skills using this method thus far, but I am also richer time wise and I am now happier than ever!
I am going to tell you how…… soon!
But first I am going to tell you about the crappy day I had at work, and what is motivating me to change my life for the better.
I am a nurse. It is not as glamorous as it sounds. I work 2 days a week, organising 3 small kids to get cared for before I start at 7am is hard enough.
Today my day consisted of telling a dying man he doesn’t have much time left, his lung cancer is going to end up suffocating him. I then had to try to convince the family of an elderly lady with severe dementia she really needs to go into full time care. Then I had to treat some wounds that were so hardcore, it took me an hour to soak off the bandages before I could gently cleanse and put his legs back together, all while the patient gritted his teeth with pain.
This was all before lunch.
Such was my motivation that today I made the decision to quit my job and work full-time at home.
How can I possibly do that?
Keep reading and I will tell you my secret…
I love nursing, but lately I have been feeling jaded with the whole thing. I hate relying on other people to look after my kids for a start. They are my most important thing in life and I really miss anytime I have without them. I despise not being able to volunteer at the school, or drop them off and pick them up.
I have been at the same job for a good 4 years now, and the company is sliding down hill at the expense of the patients. So I am jaded with them. I am comfortable in my position and work well with my colleagues, but I feel unchallenged on a daily basis. Like I’m just going through the motions. And I’ve stopped caring. That is not a good nursing feeling.
So I started searching online.
I had a few categories to fulfil –
I needed to at least replace my part-time income which hovers around $300 per week.
I needed to be interested
I needed to feel important
I needed to be able to work around the more important things in life e.g. kids
I needed to be stress free
I came across the usual suspects:
There was at least one scam advising me to wire a lot of money for nothing in return, I tried paid surveys, I tried to get some freelance writing work, and I cleaned out my home and scoured op shops for things to sell on eBay.
All of this seemed a lot of work with only very minimal return, not nearly enough to replace my meagre income.
Then, a search on jobs for stay-at-home mums turned up something a little bit more interesting. It turned out to be so seriously valuable, I felt incredibly lucky to have stumbled upon it.
It was a free membership to a club which gave me heaps of education and ongoing training on how to set up and run my own website and how to eventually earn a full time income from it.
Now this kind of training usually costs you thousands of dollars and you are left feeling a little bit fleeced and much overwhelmed. The courses my husband and I have done in the past seem to load you up with heaps of skills within a short timeframe, but without the platform to practice them on and without any ongoing support.
And if you don’t use it, you lose it!
With the training I found at this new amazing site, not only does it give you a barrage of totally free lessons at the start, it will then equip you with 2 free websites to build upon, and exclusive membership to a community of 500,000 individuals like yourself who just want to have a go and make something of their lives.
I never thought that I had the skills to become an online entrepreneur. But with Wealthy Affiliate, that is exactly what I am well upon the road to becoming.
With Wealthy Affiliate YOU are your own boss.
- YOU select your own niche topic to build a compelling website about
- YOU then write content and do reviews related to your topic
- YOU create marketing campaigns and select advertisers
- You can do it all from the safety of your own home while your children play at your feet. All you need is an internet connection and the determination to give it a red hot go.
I am using the fire I have inside about the job that I despise and the kids and husband that I desperately love in order to finally do something that I love and that I can do for myself without needing any official qualifications.
All you need is a will to succeed!
And where there is a will, there is a way!
I am doing the training, following the steps and am on my way toward my ultimate goal which has increased from replacing my part-time income of $300 per week and surpassed replacing my husband’s $1500 per week, up to an awe-inspiring goal of $1000 PER DAY!!!! Anything is possible!
There are people doing this right now! What are you waiting for?
Find motivation in your life to become better than what you are and grab life by the horns.
Do it for yourself, do it for your family.
And above all, believe in yourself.
Any questions?