Improve Sexual Performance with Kegel Exercises for Men

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Men.  Stand up and listen!  with kegel exercises for men

This is great advice on how to improve your lives and increase your bedroom prowess with Kegel Exercises for Men using this great tool.

Not only will these exercises assist in improving bowel and urinary health, they will also increase your sexual performance while decreasing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.  It is even beneficial for prostate health by promoting more blood flow to the area which is more important as men get older.  Have problems with painful tension myalgia or saddle sports trauma?  Help ease the pain with Kegel’s.

Train for the Bedroom - Learn More at

Want to know more?

You bet I do!

For many years, women have been the only ones encouraged to do Kegel exercises helping restore tone to the muscles of the pelvic floor which are frequently damaged thanks to pregnancy and childbirth.  Dr Arnold Kegel invented these exercises to recover and restore those all important muscles back in the 1940s and now we have found a program using the Kegel principals but specifically targeted to men.

Little did we know that men also have the same pelvic girdle muscles as women that lose tone over time and need regular exercise to be healthy, just like all of your muscles!

with kegel exercises for menAfter age 30, the muscles that support your reproductive system have already started to weaken and, by the time you reach 40, 50% of men suffer from some sort of sexual dysfunction!  

The smooth muscles targeted by this system include not only the bowel, rectum and bladder, but also the all important male reproductive system and the exercises are proven to really help if you have any problems with achieving and sustaining erections.

In fact, 76% of men reported an increase in sexual function after performing pelvic floor exercises. (British Journal of Urology International, 2005)

Find Out What Real Men Have to Say About the Private Gym – Actual Clinical Trial Participants Talk About Their Experience

Luckily Private Gym has the answer you are looking for!

Over 2 great levels of training, Private Gym will get you on your way to ultimate Pelvic Floor health.

In just 10 minutes a day, three days a weeks, you can supercharge your sexual performance, help prevent erectile dysfunction and begin to reverse its effects, and stop premature ejaculation by strengthening your pelvic muscles with the

The 8 week Complete Training Program includes a specially made soft, hypoallergenic medical grade penis ring which attaches magnetically to weights which you then, basically weight-lift using your pelvic floor muscles that you have strengthened first during the first 4 weeks of the training course.with kegel exercises for men

How much does it cost?

This depends on your level of entry.

The Private Gym basic package including the fully DVD guided 4 week Exercise Program is only $59.99 while the 8 week Complete Training Package including the Exercise Program and the Resistance Equipment (i.e. Penis Weights) costs $99.99.

with kegel exercises for men

Private Gym offers free postage anywhere in USA and can ship worldwide.

They even have a 60-day money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the product which certainly makes you feel a lot more confidence in the company.

The first FDA Registered exercise program that helps strengthen a man's most important muscle system. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Learn more at!

So exactly how does it work?

Improve Sexual Performance – By conditioning the pelvic floor muscles, sexual satisfaction is achieved by having harder and longer lasting erections as will as more explosive orgasms.

Reverses and Prevents Erectile Dysfunction
– By toning your muscles using the Private Gym techniques, muscles weakness can by reversed and strength restored which leads to the reversal of erectile dysfunction.  If you are one of the 20% of 30-40 year olds or the whopping 50% of over 40s who suffer some form of this, than this is the answer for you.  Maintain your erectile function well into old age with a strong pelvic floor.with kegel exercises for men

Prevents Premature Ejaculation – Premature Ejaculation is the most common sexual complaint among men but is solved by strengthening those pelvic floor muscles.

Urinary Health– Maintain your dignity and independence by training your pelvic girdle to stop that post void dribble or incontinence.

Prostate Health – By increasing blood flow to the area during exercise, the prostate is kept in optimum health.  It is still imperative for regular health checks over 40 for ultimate and long-lasting prostate happiness.

The first FDA Registered exercise program that helps strengthen a man's most important muscle system. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Learn more at!

Bowel Control – The smooth muscles of the bowel and rectum including the anal sphincter are exercised and toned eliminating elimination issues!

Tension Myalgia – This is a very painful condition related to constant tension and spasming of the small muscles in your pelvis.  Exercising these muscles and learning how to let go of the tension is incredible helpful in reducing the pain associated with this.

Saddle Sports Trauma – If you regularly ride bikes, horses or motorbikes chances are you have a form of saddle sports trauma which is when unnatural pressure is put on your perineum (the area of skin between scrotum and anus) reducing blood flow in the area and causing pain.  The Private Gym system can increase blood flow, thereby reducing discomfort.

Click here for Answers to the’s most frequently asked questions!

These exercises really do work wonders for both men and women and it is great to have a specific system targeted for men that is both successful and cost effective.

I have ordered the Private Gym 8 Week Complete Training System for my husband today.  He is nearing 40 and although appears in peak physical health, maintenance of his sexual function is especially important to his overall condition.

The Science is simple. Work out a muscle and it gets stronger. Stronger pelvic muscles create harder and longer-lasting erections. Learn more at




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  1. 1
    Dr. Baker

    Very interesting article! Interested to see a man’s “take” on this topic!

    I have always heard of Kegel exercises and the benefits for women, but this was nice to read about the advantages a man can gain from the same exercise!

    What other exercises do you recommend for both women and men in this area?

    Thank you and look forward to reading more!

    • 2

      Hi there Misty, it’s amazing how underrepresented men actually are on the subject of pelvic floor exercises. But the results speak for themselves!

      As an aged care nurse I see so many men with problems of incontinence later in life so its nice to find a way to stop the effects of a weak pelvic floor before they start to impact on your day to to living and independence.

      Pilates is a great exercise that both men and women can enjoy which will have a great impact on a healthy pelvic floor area.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kris

  2. 3

    Exactly what I’ve been telling my husband but he says he feels weird and unnatural lol. I will have him read this article and maybe it’ll convince him it’s for his own health (and benefits both of us as well). Thanks for a good read. I didn’t even know Private Gyn existed until I saw this. Also, your website name caught my eye. I like it.

    • 4

      Haha glad I could help! It was very interesting to me also,

      I never realised that men even had these muscles but it really makes sense when you think about it!

      Thanks for the comments, Kris

  3. 5

    A very interesting topic – I am interested to know if these kegal exercises have any dangers? For example, whether they can hurt the muslces on the penis? Also, what would be the best product to learn how to do these exercises effectively without pain? Also, do you know if these results are guaranteed?

    • 6

      Have a look at Answers to the’s most frequently asked questions!

      I think with every sort of exercise program you will get what you put into it so the results that you do achieve are directly related to how hard you work.

      76% of men surveyed reported improvements in sexual function after doing their Kegel exercises consistently. It’s only subjectively studied of course.

      You can do the exercises on your own and simply use a washcloth or a hand towel draped across your penis as a weight. However the Private Gym program has been developed specifically as a step by step system to gain gradual improvements in the your pelvic floor muscles.

      If you are experiencing pain while doing any sort of exercise, I recommend stopping immediately and seeing your doctor if pain persists.

  4. 7

    Very interesting and valuable article using kegel exercises to improve sexual performance as well as bladder and bowel problems, I have heard of Kegel exercises but I have never really experimented with them or researched much about them, this product could be the natural way for men to solve such problems. Anything natural is much better then synthetic , no side effects from natural solutions and much safer as well.

    • 8

      Exactly right! As you probably know there are a myriad of chemical solutions for problems such as erectile dysfunction. If you can prevent the onset or lessen the severity of these issues that could end up robbing your dignity and independence, by simply exercising, then you are onto a winning formula.

      Thanks for reading!

  5. 9


    I read a similar article from you before with kegels for women and that was interesting. This is something definitely worth checking out. Although I personally don’t have the symptoms mentioned in this post (at least not yet), hopefully it’ll be good preventative measure. Keep up the good work!

    Thanks for the info!

  6. 11

    wow, very scary information about men and their sexual performance as they age, I never realized it was so much of a decline until reading your article.

    Actually the price is not all that expensive considering the benefits men will experience with this product, I have read and heard about Kegel exercises but never really researched them very much.

    Your article has opened my eyes, I will seriously consider this product in the near future.

  7. 13

    Kris, it seems like this is sadly still a taboo topic in a lot of circles to even bring up ever.

    Glad to see you’re doing the good work and putting it out there.

    Men often times feel inadequate in certain areas but refrain from speaking up for fear of ridicule or embarrassment which really doesn’t have to be the case.

    If you have a problem, try to find a solution to fix it.

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