If you haven’t got a Vorwerk Thermomix TM 5 yet, the only question you have to ask yourself is: Why the heck not?
This super kitchen machine is absolutely the only kitchen appliance you need. I really did throw all my other grinders and mixers in the garbage bin the very day my Thermomix was delivered.
I am not a consultant. I am merely a very very happy TM 5 user. I have have my kitchen machine for nearly 2 years now and in that time have made more incredible food than I had in the 20 years preceding.
Like you, I was initially skeptical. Just how was this super-duper machine with the hefty price tag going to revolutionise my life? But come on:
This machine can can steam, chop, mix, mill, beat, whip, knead, stir, melt, mince and sauté! It has a built in set of scales and it can even peel 17 cloves of garlic at once!
Here are some of the finer points:
Saving Money.
If you want almond meal or almond milk, all you need to buy is almonds in bulk and you can have it all! Buy some coconuts and you can create your own desiccated coconut. Peanuts for peanut butter. Butter from pure cream. You can dry roast and then mill your own spices. You can mill your own raw sugar to become raw caster sugar and raw icing sugar! I freeze up all my vegetable cut offs, zucchini ends, outside cabbage leaves, etc and then make some amazing vegetable stock paste which I can then use in a million different soups and dishes. I have stopped buying processed foods. That is, I don’t buy jars of spaghetti sauce or curry anymore. Ever. I buy the whole ingredients, and make the sauce from scratch. I can control the amount of added sugar and salt, bleach and other additives and I make preservative free food!
Preservative and additive free food!
This is a whole new reason why I love my Thermomix. If anyone in your family has allergies or food sensitivities, the TM 5 allows you to prepare delicious food, minus the additives.
Hidden veggies.
Anyone with small children knows the term. The Thermomix allows you to perfectly steam pure vegetables then puree all at once for young children just starting out on solids. When they get a bit older, I like to add finely chopped vegetables to just about everything! My kids have no idea how much kale they actually consume.
Thermomix Community.
This is an online community full of recipes and forums. If you ever need a recipe to use up some leftover almonds, just search ‘almonds’ in the ingredients search list and up comes a multitude of great recipes to use your almonds. This saves you money as well by not having any leftover wastage.
Cooking by this method retains a lot more flavour and juices and also uses no fat or oils, so the Thermomix has even more health benefits! I love to steam an entire chicken in the Varoma and it is so juicy and tender. Amazing!
Set and forget.
Have you ever made a risotto on the stovetop? You know how you have to stand there and stir, and gradually add little bits of stock, then stand there and stir some more….. When you make a Thermomix risotto you simply add the ingredients to the bowl, and walk away until it beeps – perfect risotto every time!
Enough said. You can make your own ice-cream in a few minutes flat. Yeow!
The built in scales make it super easy to add ingredients. And the powerful blade tosses dry ingredients in such a way so that you never need to sift your flour again!
Super Smoothies.
Green smoothies are a daily part of my balanced healthy diet. Add any tropical fruits with a couple of handfuls of kale, some ice and coconut water, turn it up to speed 10 and you have the best nutrient rich weight loss smoothie you can get.
It’s so easy to clean.
All the parts come apart and are dishwasher safe. But there is even a ‘self-cleaning’ mode that allows you add some water and detergent and press the turbo button a few times for a clean inside!!!!!!
The recipe chip.
Another great feature is the recipe chip which is basically an electronic cook book that magnetises to the side of the machine and then gives you on screen, step-by-step instructions on how to proceed. It is virtually foolproof cooking!
The price.
At around $2000, the Thermomix TM 5 may scare some buyers off. But the real value is in the fact that you actually save money in the long run.
Any cons?
- The first demo I went to I learned that it doesn’t actually slice. It chops, but doesn’t slice. So yes, you still have to slice up your chicken.
- It does sound expensive, but I think it’s worth it.
- If you are not tech savvy, you might be scared off by the touch screen controls but it really doesn’t take long to master.
- It doesn’t talk.
How do I buy one?
Chances are, if you have come this far, you are actually trying to talk yourself out of buying one. If you have been to a couple of demos, you know the drill with calling a consultant and having a demo to qualify. Another option is to buy a new or used one straight from Amazon. This way you may find a cheaper deal. Either way, if I were you I would make the decision today. Click on the link below for more details on how to buy:
Still trying to convince your husband?
I recommend taking him to a demo in that case. My husband was blown away when the consultant turned raw sugar into icing sugar. It was pretty amazing.
The Thermomix TM 5 has pride of place on my kitchen bench. It takes up an area roughly the size of a 4-piece toaster. Because it is there in full view, makes it even less hassle to use as it’s always ready to go. I can sometimes use mine 5 times per day.
The Vorwerk Thermomix TM 5 is the best thing this side of sliced bread.
If you have any comments about your own experiences with the Thermomix TM 5, please leave them below!
Tempted to buy but still not quite over the line? I would be happy to answer any questions
Good Luck with your decision and happy thermomixing!